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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Indian Supreme Court's Controversial Decisions

Autumn announced itself in Ayudhya case on Saturday. The sun was at full swing and Supreme court was busy in giving landmark controversial Ayudhya verdict. Indian courts already given controversial decisions against Muslims.

Indian Supreme Court today said that despite the fact that demolition of Babri Masjid was egregious violation of law, disputed land should be given to Hindus to build a temple for Lord Ram, while Muslims would be given five acres elsewhere to construct a mosque. This shows hapless of Muslims in India. Five acres is a meager piece of land that one can buy any where. It was about a specific mosque destroyed in a criminal act to harm Muslim sentiments. Today Indian Supreme Court instead of serving Justice, fulfilled the agenda of Hindutva. BJP during his election campaign promised to build temple at the place of Babri Masjid.

Indian Judicial System is biased against Muslims. It has emboldened two nation theory of Quaid e Azam and tarnished secular posture of India. When we see the case of Afzal Guru, Indian supreme court maintained that there was no substantial evidence against Afzal Guru and hanging was necessary to fulfill the collective conscience of people of India. In case of Gujrat riots where thousands of Muslims were killed, prime accused were exonerated and it was murder of justice. Cases are not registered against Gao Rakshaks and Muslims are asked to prove their loyalty by chanting slogans. Thousands of Kashmiris are detained illegally in Indian jails.Mortal remains of Hanged Kashmiris never handed over to their families and most of Kashmiris hanged without completing due legal process. Muslims are considered third class citizens in India and Indian Judicial system has been badly failed in serving justice to them. Infact Indian judiciary is giving verdicts based on BJP manifesto.

Now some critics are saying that Abul Kalam Azad, Madni and Congressi Mullahs, who opposed two nation theory, should come out of graves and seek forgiveness from Muslims of subcontinent for misleading them. On the very same day Indian SC given verdict against minorities in India and Pakistan opened border for Sikh minority. India is persecuting Muslims in Kashmir by imposing strict curfew of the history to fulfill the agenda of Hinudva and Pakistan is protecting Holy sites of minorities. Redcliffe line is bifurcation of two mentalities.

Once India's judiciary was known for its uprightness and fair judicial system but now it has lost its credibility being prejudice toward Muslims.

After these controversial decisions one cannot trust on Indian judiciary. A country having tainted judicial system cannot be a democratic country.  What is your say?

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